Here is where you can find all the information about our teams and what they do. For information relating to events that the teams participate in, please go to the "SCHEDULE" section.
Drill Team
Drill Team is a fun and interactive experience where cadets are put into the world of military marching. Drill Team takes motivation and dedication in order to be apart of and it can be rewarding. Just a look into Drill, some of our teams include Armed Regulation, Unarmed Regulation, Armed Exhibition, and Color Guard. Click on the picture for more information.
JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Leadership and Academic Bowl is a team that competes not with marching of physical fitness, but with your brain. The two teams, Academic and Leadership, sit in a room and answer questions based on knowledge they are to study for their topic. Click on the picture for more information.
Raider Team
Raider Team is the physically demanding part of the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. With the Raider Team, you are constantly testing your physical ability while teaching you how to lead. Some of the events that Raider Team goes over are knot tieing, the One Rope bridge, and Physical Training. Click on the Picture for more information.